Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation Will hit America in two years if they don't stop Printing MONEY

9:19 PM Posted by: Fun World 0 comments

You need to seriously brush up on maths before going shopping!

This is so absurd AND SAD........

Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation problem is not new,

but the pictures illustrate a lot more than what you can get from Bloomberg...


One 200,000 dollar note is worth less than $0.10 cents.

December 22nd, a new note of 500,000 dollars is introduced to the market!

Next - 750,000 dollars.

January - new note of 10 million dollars

This US $10 dollar note is worth 10 times more than the 10 million dollar Zimbabwe note.

A case worth 65 billion Zimbabwe dollars which equals $2000 US dollars.

This guy is going to a supermarket. The exchange rate is 25 million Zimbabwe dollars for 1 US dollar.

This mountain of cash is worth $100.

50 Million note is then introduced!

Next is the 250 million dollar note!

Sorry, how much is this t-shirt? - It's cheap, only about 3 billion dollars!

May - a note of 500 million dollars is introduced!

June - notes worth 25 and 50 billion are printed.

And finally - 100 billion dollar note!

What can you buy for it? Well, these 3 eggs for example.

That's how people went to restaurants!

And the bills: Z $1,243,255,000

In August, the government revalued the Zimbabwe dollar by removing 10 zeros from notes.

However, inflation kept going up and in September for this amount of cash you could only buy 4 tomatoes.

And for this - some bread.

And then it started again: 20,000 dollar note in September

50,000 a couple of weeks ago!
The 500,000 and 1,000,000 (new currency) notes have just been released.

The country's currency plunged to a new record low on Monday, trading at an average Z$28,4 quadrillion to the U.S. dollar and triggering massive price increases.

The hyperinflation is now estimated at over a quintillion percent, although no one really knows.

All of which explains the attached picture of a toilet.


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