what Raju were doing in bangla desh?/

7:13 PM Posted by: Manjuji ki advice 0 comments


There is no doubt that Raju Srivastava made an identity in the world of Mimicry.The audience likes Rajuji mimicry very much.Rajuji takes small things of most of Indian society.Raju takes those characters of the society in their mimicryWhose behavior is different from other people.The way people talk, their dress, their way of eating and drinking etc. can all be in their mimicry.

why we celebrates narak chaudas or Roop chaudas??

4:55 AM Posted by: Manjuji ki advice 0 comments

Why we celebrates Narak Chaudas-:Narak Chaudas is celebrated just one day before Deepaawali. This day is also celebrated as Roop Chaudas.On this day hindu ladies does special care of her face.In the past, Hindu women used to enhance their face beauty at home.Their beauty was enhanced only by doing home made body scrub etc.Now beautiparlars are working to increase beauty.this day is also called CHOTI DIWALI.

The story of Narak Chaudas-:In the old times there was a king named Narakasura, he held sixteen thousand one hundred princesses captive.He wanted to become immortal by sacrificing them.Shri Krishna killed him and freed everyone on this day.

These sixteen thousand princesses accepted Krishnaji as their husband after being freed.Thus, there were sixteen thousand queens becomes of Krishna.While dying, Narakasura asked Krishnaji to boon that on this day, anyone who takes a bath before sunrise will not have to go to hell.This tradition has been going on since then.

Karwa chauth inspirational jokes??

2:01 AM Posted by: Manjuji ki advice 0 comments

happy karwa chauth 2020

जो भाई घर जमाई बन कर ससुराल में पड़े हैं 
उन भाइयों को भी करवा चौथ की बधाई ||
                    happy karwa chauth 2020
साल भर बीबी की बनायीं सब्ज़ि मैं नुक्स निकलने वाले 
पतिओं को भी करवा चौथ की बधाई ||
 happy karwa chauth 2020
साल भर अपनी बीबी अनपढ़,गंवार,
 कहने वाले पतिओं को भी करवा चौथ की बधाई
 happy karwa chauth 2020
शादी मैं दहेज़ में मिली गाड़ी पर शान से चलने वाले ,और बीबी से कहने वाले की तुम्हारे पापा ने दिया ही क्या है कहने वाले पतिओं को भी करवा चौथ की बधाई ||
 happy karwa chauth 2020
अपने पतियों को सनी देओल बनाने के लिए,जिम भेजने वाली सभी महिलाओं को भी करवा चौथ की शुभकामनाएं
happy karwa chauth 2020
अपने पतियों को पडोसी के उदाहरण देकर एक्टिव बनाने वाली महिलाओं को करवा चौथ की बधाई |
happy karwa chauth 2020
टी.व् सीरियल के उदाहरण देकर ,अपने पतियों को कंट्रोल में रखने वाली सभी वीरांगनाओं को भी करवा चौथ की हार्दिक बधाई.
happy karwa chauth 2020



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